Sage - Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Up to 1m in ideal conditions
Suitable for:
Well drained soil in full sun. Sheltered spot by a warm wall.
This is a tender perennial herb very closely related to the slightly more common blackcurrant sage. It is a sturdy Salvia with aromatic mid-green leaves and plentiful white flowers tinged with lilac sfrom June until October. Great for container growing or a warm sheltered spot.
Sage - Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white': Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

This is an aromatic salvia which makes a great addition to any garden. It prefers a warm sunny spot and is ideal for growing in a container. Whilst it is a perennial herb, it is susceptible to cold and wet conditions in winter. In all but the mildest locations it will need to be overwintered under cover.

This herb has aromatic green leaves and fragrant while flowers tinged with lilac. Flowers are produced in spikes from June to October. Dead heading will encourage and extend the flowering season. If the plant gets too tall or leggy it will respond well to a light trim to encourage bushy growth.

The flowers like most herb flowers are highly attractive to bees, butterflies and other pollinators.

This is an excellent plant for a drought tolerant planting scheme, and is excellent as a main feature in raised beds and large containers.

Whilst this is a herb grown mainly for its flowers and attractive appearance, both the leaves and the flowers are edible and can be used in a similar way to the more common blackcurrant sage.