Smoky peppers with paprika, fennel and green herbs

Smoky peppers with paprika, fennel and green herbs

Try making some jars of our smoky peppers — they keep well in the fridge to serve with a whole variety of dishes.

Makes 2 smallish jars — depending on the size of your peppers.

  • 500 ml well flavoured olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic — in thin slices
  • 3 tsp smoked paprika — the sweet one not the hot type
  • 1 tbsp fennel seed
  • 1 tbsp peppercorns — mixed ones if possible
  • 10 large red peppers
  • 10 large yellow peppers
  • 300 ml cider vinegar
  • Chopped green herbs — we like parsley and fennel fronds, but the choice is yours

First prepare the spiced oil.

  • Warm the garlic and paprika in the oil for 5 minutes but don't let it get hot enough to cook the garlic.
  • Leave aside to cool.
  • After an hour or so strain through a sieve lined with double thickness kitchen paper to remove the spices.
  • In a small pan heat the peppercorns and fennel for just 1 minute until they smell aromatic.
  • Add to the filtered oil and set aside.

Whilst the oil is cooling prepare the peppers.

  • Heat the grill to high.
  • Whilst it is heating cut each pepper in half lengthways through the stalk end and remove as much seed as possible.
  • Spread them out on baking sheets, lined with kitchen paper for easy cleaning.
  • Grill each tray for up to 15 minutes until the skins are black and then immediately transfer the peppers to plastic food bags whilst still hot.
  • When the peppers are cool the skins and stalks should slip off easily, along with any remaining seeds.
  • Cut them into large serving pieces – maybe 4 – 5 cm long.
  • Bring the vinegar + 300ml water to simmering point and add the peppers.
  • Bring back to a simmer and cook for just 3 minutes before draining well — you can discard the vinegar.
  • Pack the peppers into small sterilised jars.
  • Heat the spiced oil for a few minutes until just hot enough to touch.
  • Pour over the peppers, along with the whole spices to cover them completely.
  • Seal the jars and store in the fridge.
  • Add the chopped herbs to the peppers as you serve them otherwise they will discolour.