Double Flowering Chamomile

Chamaemelum nobile 'Flore Pleno'

5 - 15 cm (2 - 6in)
15 - 20cm (6 - 8in) or more
Suitable for:
Well drained, stone free soil in full sun.
Flowering chamomile is similar to the cultivar 'Treneague' in habit and scent, but it also produces masses of creamy white daisy flowers in mid summer. It is a very good evergreen ground cover plant.
Double Flowering Chamomile: Chamaemelum nobile 'Flore Pleno'

The Latin name for Chamomile translates to ‘apple of the ground’ which truly describes its aromatic scent. The fragrance is freely released when the plant is crushed to trodden underfoot.

The variety ‘Flore Pleno’ has the added bonus of sweetly scented flowers on wiry stems throughout the summer. The flowers are creamy white and resemble small double daisy flowers.

This herb looks lovely trailing out of sink gardens and can also be planted in cracks in the paving where there is not too much ‘traffic’ to crush the lovely flowers. It can also be planted in the corners of chamomile lawns away from areas of main use where it will give attractive splashes of colour each summer.

Chamomile Tea

The sweetly scented chamomile flower heads are the part of the herb used to make a delicately flavoured herb tea. This is the most important of all herb teas, made famous in Beatrix Potter's 'Tale of Peter Rabbit'. The flower heads can be harvested and dried, and will retain their flavour for up to a year.

Traditional recipes call for 1 oz (25 g) of flower heads to be steeped in boiling water for 3 or 4 minutes in a covered jug – to prevent the escape of the aromatic steam. The resulting tea can be sweetened to taste with honey or sugar if desired.