Lawn Chamomile

Chamaemelum nobile ‘Treneague’

10cm (4in) maximum
20cm (8in) or more
Suitable for:
Well drained, stone free soil in full sun.
Chamomile is a creeping evergreen perennial herb, with strongly scented foliage. ‘Treneague’ is a non-flowering form ideally suited to growing as a lawn or planting as a 'growing seat'.
Lawn Chamomile: Chamaemelum nobile ‘Treneague’

The Latin name for Chamomile translates to ‘apple of the ground’ which truly describes its aromatic scent. The fragrance is freely released when the plant is crushed to trodden underfoot. The cultivar ‘Treneague is non-flowering and is therefore ideal for planting as a lawn.

Good soil preparation is important before planting and all weeds and large stones should be carefully removed. Individual plants should be positioned 10 -15cm apart for quick coverage. After an initial watering the plants should not be overwatered, except in very hot weather, as prolonged periods of wet soil can cause the creeping stems to rot. 

Double flowering chamomile is closely related and they maybe planted together.