Garlic Chives - Lilac Flowered
(Siberian chives, blue chives)

Allium nutans

30 – 45cm
Suitable for:
Any soil in full sun or partial shade.
An unusual edible Allium with a spectacular display of tall lilac flowers later in the summer. Easy to grow in most soils and positions. A good plant for containers, great for attracting pollinators and as a cut flower. In addition it is a valuable herb to use in the kitchen.
Garlic Chives - Lilac Flowered<br /> (Siberian chives, blue chives): Allium nutans

These lilac flowered garlic chives are clump forming perennials. They reach 30cm in height and up to 45cm when in flower. Whilst they prefer a sunny position in moist soil, they will do well in most locations except complete shade.

The foliage is similar to the traditional garlic chives – flat, slightly succulent blades with a tapering end growing from a central point. The flowers are prolific later in the summer and in varying shades of lilac depending on soil and conditions. The flowers are long lasting and on stout stems. In addition to being very popular with pollinators they make ideal cut flowers.

Like all Alliums these chives are a very healthy addition to your diet acting as a tonic to both the digestive and circulatory systems. The delicate onion/garlic flavour of the leaves is not a pronounced as in the white flowered variety. Chopped leaves are ideal herby additions to salads and vegetable dishes in general. They also add extra flavour and zest to both egg and cheese dishes.

As planting companions they combine well with lavender, sage and Artemesias, and make great border companions to roses.