Lime Mint

Mentha x piperata citrata 'Lime'

60cm (2ft)
Suitable for:
Moist soil, partial shade.
This is an unusual mint with smooth dark green / purple foliage and a pleasant aroma of lime that is both fruity and spicy. The purple flowers make it very attractive in the summer.
Lime Mint: Mentha x piperata citrata 'Lime'

As well as its strong fruity fragrance this mint is also an attractive addition to any garden with its fine purple tinged leaves and deep lilac flowers.

Fruity flavoured mints are very good in fruit salads, lime mint goes especially well with melon, and in many other puddings, also in summer drinks. The flowers are long lasting and make a pretty decoration to many dishes.

Refreshing Fruit and Mint Sorbet

  • 200 ml fruit juice (grapefruit, orange and pineapple are all good)
  • 50 g sugar
  • 150 ml water
  • 5 large sprigs of lime mint
  • 1 egg white
  • lime mint flowers or leaves as decoration

Boil the sugar and water together until the sugar is dissolved. Chop the mint leaves finely and add to the syrup, leave to one side to cool for 30 minutes. Add the chosen juice to the mint mixture and strain into a freezerproof bowl or an ice-cream maker.

Freeze until semi-frozen, this will take 45min to 1hour in the freezer - times in an ice-cream machine will vary according to the model.

At this point, beat the egg white stiffly and fold into the semifrozen mixture.

Refreeze until firm but not completely solid.

Serve decorated with the lime mint flowers or leaves.