Sweet Basil

Ocimum basilicum

Up to 30 cm (12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny sheltered position, inside or out. Protect from frost. Ideal for pots & tubs
All basils are very tender annual herbs that cannot withstand frost and will only thrive with night temperatures above 12C. Sweet basil has large bright green leaves with the traditional aromatic basil bouquet.

Delivery May onward (weather dependant).
Sweet Basil: Ocimum basilicum

With correct conditions and plenty of warmth this is a prolific herb. Flower buds should be pinched out to encourage a bushy plant and plenty of leaf growth.

This highly aromatic herb is evokes the scent of summer. Sweet basil originates in the Mediterranean area and is extensively used in cuisine of this area.

Essential uses for all basils are in pasta dishes and especially with tomatoes, eggs and torn up into salads. When used in hot dishes basil should always be added at the end of the cooking time otherwise much of the flavour is lost.

Basil Oil

One of the best ways to preserve the true taste of basil for the winter months. Those little pots of herb from the supermarket never taste quite the same as summer grown basil.

Fill a clean jar loosely with sweet basil leaves and add extra virgin olive oil to fill.

Seal tightly and leave in a sunny windowsill, shaking every couple of days.

After two weeks store the bottle in the dark until needed, do not drain the oil off from the leaves before use.

This oil can be used in dressings and marinades throughout the winter, and drizzled over pasta dishes to remind you of the summer warmth!

The essential oil extracted from basil is used extensively in aromatherapy and perfumery, and the essential oil is a constituent of incense.